
Artist Spotlight

Adarsh Langthasa

Compositor | Lost Boys Alumni 2015

Demo Reel

Credited on:

and many more...

What inspired you to pursue VFX/Compositing?

Watching anime, movies like Jurassic park, and playing video games as a kid always made me curious how they were created. I started teaching myself software like Blender, Maya, 3DS Max, and Zbrush when I was in high school. I was instantly hooked on creating my own CG assets which improved my modelling, shading, and lighting.

I collaborated with some friends who were learning compositing and they asked if I was would be able to create 3D assets for their compositing reels. I was amazed to see how realistic and polished my assets looked after some comp treatment. That was enough to convince me to dive into compositing.

What was the scariest or most challenging part of learning Compositing?

The most challenging part of learning compositing was trying to maintain a balance between the artistic and technical sides. Nuke, like other software, is always evolving and I felt like there was always so much I didn’t know. I just had to learn how to take it step by step and realized that I wasn’t going to use every compositing technique all the time.

What was unique about your experience with Lost Boys incomparison to your previous education?

The small class size at Lost Boys really created a cozy atmosphere and we all got to know each other really well. Our instructors and mentors had plenty of time to interact with us one on one and give feedback since there were only 8 of us in our class.

Having to present our work before our instructors and classmates every Friday always made sure that we were on track to finishing our projects and learning from each other as well. At the end of our program, Lost Boys helped us get our foot in the industry by giving us practicum in a studio in Vancouver.

What is something you people knew more about VFX/VFX Artists or Compositors/Compositing?

A lot of people looking from the outside and maybe even some beginners think that VFX/Compositing is a purely glamorous job seeing your work on the big screen and your name on the credits list at the end. But there is a lot of hard work that goes behind the scenes. There is a lot of effort put in by the artists even for smallest of things that wouldn’t even catch the audience’s eyes. It’s a lot more than just pushing the buttons. Rather than being discouraged by this fact, VFX artists do this for their love of the craft.

What do you enjoy most about working in visual effects?

I enjoy the camaraderie and the teamwork that comes with working on a project that sometimes lasts for more than a year. Seeing the journey of the project going through different stages of production is always interesting. From the initial sketches to animation tests to the final result in comp. The end result of the journey is usually very satisfying.

If there is one piece of advice you can give to people who want to pursue a career in visual effects, what would it be?

You need to spend a lot of time to develop your eye for detail and learn the necessary technical skills simultaneously. It takes a lot of patience, hard work, research, listening to the right people who will help you navigate your career, and the right attitude to work with your team.

Thank you, Adarsh! Check out his demo reel.

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